
Terms and Definitions
   Website -
   Information - any textual or graphical website content, including, but not limited to, texts, links, articles, advertising banners and announcements, reviews, comments, forum messages, previews, photo and video materials, design elements, illustrations, scripts, software and drivers.
   User - any competent individual acting on his or her own interests or on the interests of other people, accessing the website via the Internet.
   Website Administration - employees, administrators, authors and moderators who are directly related to the website operation and content. The definition of the Website Administration does not under any circumstances include Users who place Information on the website on their own initiative and without any direct instructions of the Website Administration.

Information and its usage
   The information placed on the website is intended for introductory purposes only. Information cannot be regarded by anyone as a direct guide to actions; it is not compulsory and may not possess reliability and accuracy features.
   The registered trademarks, brands and other organizations’ names, mentioned on the website, are the property of individuals in whose names they are registered. In cases when such mention entails the right holders’ rights and legitimate interests violation, it will be immediately removed after the legal owners’ appeal.
   All information placed on the Website is copyright protected and belongs to the Website, unless otherwise is evidently specified or implied. In the presence of the article author’s signature (creative alias), his authorship is preserved, but the article ownership remains with the Website, unless otherwise is provided by an agreement between the author and the Website. In case of the authorship indication absence, the article is considered to be the authors’ collective intellectual work result and is recognized as an exclusive Website property.
Copying Information with the purpose of its further placement on the Internet is allowed only under the condition that a hyperlink is placed on the Website. It is prohibited to use Information to a full extent or partly in printed editions or periodicals without the source indication. When placing the complete Information from the Website, it is forbidden to change, modify or distort Information (including the authors' signatures and the publication date deletion).
   The files and the software placed on the Website are obtained from open sources and are offered only for informational purposes. If you are the copyright holder of files and/or the software and consider that their placement on the Website violates your rights - contact the Website Administration immediately and your appeal will be considered as soon as possible.
   The Information posted on the Website by Users is not previously moderated or approved by the Website Administration. The Website Administration takes all possible measures to identify and delete Information that violates copyright, current legislation, generally accepted moral and ethical standards. The copyright for Information posted on the Website by Users belong to Users, unless otherwise is defined.

Warranties and Disclaimers
   The Website Administration does not provide any guarantees of Information usage completeness, accuracy, timeliness, expediency, reliability and efficiency. The Information expresses only the author’s (the group of authors’) opinion on a particular issue and cannot be used as a direct guide to action. The Website Administration is not responsible for any possible errors or Information inaccuracies.
   The Website Administration is not responsible for any type of damage (including, but not limited to moral, material, physical damage) caused by User to himself or to third parties as a result of misinterpretation, usage or any other legal or illegal Information application, including the consequences that arise or could arise due to errors, typos and Information inaccuracies. Any Information may be applied by Users solely at their own risk.
   The Information usage means the User’s agreement with all terms mentioned in this text and their unconditional acceptance. Using the Information, the User waives all possible claims and requirements to the Website Administration.