Welcome to a virtual museum (collection) of binoculars!
The history of this site creation, its structure and features can be found in "About the site" section. Exhibits (the binoculars) are in "Catalog" menu. In "Theory and History" section you can find diverse information about the binoculars (catalogs, articles, etc.). The “Partnership” section contains information on this issue cooperation, and the “Contacts” section serves to contact us. In "Donate" section you can provide financial support to our project development.
The museum Information is being constantly updated, the appearance of new exhibits will be reported on this page, as well as on our social network pages - Facebook and Twitter.The information on the site is presented in three languages: English, Ukrainian and Russian (the button for switching languages is in the upper right corner).
Thank you for attention to our project! Thanks to everyone who contributed to its creation!
January 25, 2025
Today our museum has four wonderful binoculars, in standard and luxury versions, for viewing theatrical performances. Mother of pearl, gilding, lizard and crocodile skin - at the beginning of the 20th century, people knew how to enjoy life ).
September 26, 2024
Friends, today we have three very unusual binoculars:
- a little-known binocular with a mysterious marking: Carl Zeiss Jena E.I. (D.F.8x);
- a rare military device Carl Zeiss Jena Marinex 6x with a short body and long frames of the "two-ring" type lenses;
- a binocular that combines the features of military and "civilian" models: Carl Zeiss Jena Feldstecher Vergr.=6.
March 24, 2024
After a break of one year, we move on...) So, today there are three interesting specimens:
- the first version of the compact binoculars Carl Zeiss Jena Turita 8x24 with an interesting history ;
- rare military device Carl Zeiss Jena Marineglas 6x with long lens rim ;
- interesting military Carl Zeiss Jena Silvamar 6x30, released for the Norwegian army
March 15, 2023
We continue to introduce you to the binoculars of the legendary company Carl Zeiss Jena:
- rare binoculars Carl Zeiss Jena Turexem 6x "transitional" design with an interesting history https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turexem-6x.html ;
- the first version of the design of the binoculars Carl Zeiss Jena Silvamar 6x https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-silvamar-6x-3.html ;
- "big brother" of the original Telita 6x18 binoculars, Turita 8x24 binoculars https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turita-8x24.html ;
Three more interesting binoculars took their places on the shelves of the virtual museum:
- one of the smallest and rarest binoculars Carl Zeiss Jena - Stenotar 5x12 with original case https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-stenotar-5x12.html ;
July 7, 2022
Today is a special day for us: the 100th binocular has taken its place in our virtual museum. Introducing four "babies":
- Carl Zeiss Jena Turex 6x21 in good condition and richly equipped https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turex-6x21.html ;
January 11, 2022
Introducing four more binoculars in our museum:
- very rare Carl Zeiss Trentact 8x: the first "civilian" Carl Zeiss Jenna binoculars with an aperture (objective diameter) of 30 mm and 8x magnification: https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-trentact-8x.html ;
- interesting binoculars Carl Zeiss Telefort 12x, 1913, (4th version of this model, with rounded objective covers and grooves to minimize stray light) https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-telefort-12x-3.html ;
https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-df8x-4.html ;
December 06, 2021
After a short break, we present new binoculars on the virtual shelves of our museum:
- very rare Carl Zeiss Jagdglas 5 Fach binoculars in good condition. This is the latest modification of Jagdglas 5x (1905-1906): https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-jagdglas-5-fach.html;
- early Carl Zeiss Turolem 4x20 1914 from the oldest English partner Carl Zeiss Jena - Dixey & Son https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turolem-4x20-1.html;
July 01, 2021
The Turol and Turolem models are in a hurry to our museum:
- Carl Zeiss Turol 4x20 device, probably owned by an American scientist physicist Charles Kunsman (1890 – 1970) https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turol-4x20.html;

- Carl Zeiss Turolem 4x20 binocular with central focusing and high serial number https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turolem-4x20.html
The total number of binoculars on our site is 88.
June 04, 2021
Four more binoculars occupied virtual shelves of our museum:
- the rare Carl Zeiss Silvamar 6x binocular specimen with the “double ring type” lens frame design and with an unusual coffer. This version of the device was produced for a short period of time from 1910/11 to 1913. https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-silvamar-6x-2.html
April 10, 2021
Another addition in our virtual museum:
- the pride of any optical devices’ collection, a military binocular, which doesn’t belong to any of Carl Zeiss Jenna catalogs, and there is no mention of it in official documents of that time (1912) – it is Carl Zeiss Jena D.F.8x in the Trentact design;
- the “twin” of Carl Zeiss Jena D.F.8x (in the Telact design) - a rare military model D.F.95 n/A with the goniometric grid;
- another very interesting military device Carl Zeiss D.F.03. Dienstglas, which reveals to us completely new, earlier production date of this model;
- the Carl Zeiss D.F.03. binocular in an excellent configuration and with many markings, the meaning of which is still not clear.
The total number of binoculars on our site is 80.
March 18, 2021
4 more binoculars were put on the virtual shelves of our museum:
- a unique military binocular Carl Zeiss A.E.6x (the analogue of Carl Zeiss D.F.6x). The binocular was manufactured in 1908 for the Army arsenal by Portuguese government order (Arsenal do Exército). For the time being, only several specimens of these binoculars are known in private collections;
- a late military binocular Carl Zeiss D.F. 6x30 (1919) with many parts made of zinc alloy (there was a shortage of non-ferrous metals in Germany at the end of World War I);
- another military binocular Carl Zeiss D.F. 6x30 (1918) with interesting information concerning its previous owner;
- a military binocular Carl Zeiss 6x30 with unusual marking;
The total number of binoculars on our site is 76.
March 02, 2021
6 more new binoculars appeared in our museum:
- a rare "civilian" Carl Zeiss Silvarem 6x with the double-ring type of lens frame design. This specimen was sold in the USA by a well-known American organization Andrew J. Lloyd Company;
- a late military model Carl Zeiss D.F. 8x24 with prismatic zinc alloy covers and with goniometric grid;
- a very early and rare military model Carl Zeiss Marineglas 6x, the peculiarity of which is that its lower prism cover and the lens frame cap are made as one piece;
- a military binocular Carl Zeiss Marineglas 6x with the double-ring type of lens frame design and a compass mounted into the coffer’s top cover;
- another Carl Zeiss Marineglas 6x with rounded objective covers and grooves intended to minimize stray light. An interesting feature of this specimen is in its rare fastening construction of the eyepieces’ protective cover (the so-called "raincoat");
- a binocular Carl Zeiss Wien Marineglas 6x, manufactured in 1916 in the Austrian branch in Vienna. The coffer’s top cover is made using the seamless technology;
The total number of binoculars on our site is 72.
January 04, 2021
6 more new binoculars appeared in our museum after a short break!
- a military specimen Carl Zeiss D.F. 6x with the double-ring type of 24 mm lenses’ design;
- a rather rare Carl Zeiss Turact 8x specimen, with the "grooves" on the lens covers intended for protection against side flares. This sample is in a good condition and it has an original coffer;
- an early Carl Zeiss D.F. 8x specimen with the double-ring type of lenses’ design and an interesting serial number;
- a rare military binocular Carl Zeiss D.F. 8x with the "grooves" on the lens covers intended for protection against side flares;
- a late Carl Zeiss D.F. 8x specimen with rounded objective covers, goniometric reticle and high serial number. Perhaps this binocular belongs to one of the latest batches of this model with the Telact 8x design;
- a Carl Zeiss D.F. 8x specimen with the Turact 8x design and with zinc alloy elements.
The total number of binoculars on our site is 66.
7 more binoculars appeared in our museum!
- an early version of Carl Zeiss Telex 6x with a two-ring type design and lenses having diameter 21 mm with rare eyecups;
- an interesting model Carl Zeiss Telactem 8x, which was produced during short period of time (1913-1914) with "grooves" on the lens caps, serving to protect against side flares;
- post-war model Carl Zeiss Silvamar 6x with prism covers made of zinc alloy;
- a rare early military binocular Carl Zeiss D.F.6x with specific numbering;
- Carl Zeiss D.F.6x with low serial number and Carl Zeiss D.F.6x with lenses having diameter 24 mm and with rounded objective covers;
- a late version of military binocular Carl Zeiss D.F.6x24 with prism covers made of zinc alloy;
The total number of binoculars on our site is 60.
June 08, 2020
- a rare Telact 8x model with "grooves" on lens covers for protection against side flares;
- two Teleforts 12x https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-telefort-12x.html https://binocollection.com/catalog/binocular-carl-zeiss-jena-telefort-12x-2.html ;
- three Turactems 8x24 https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turactem-8x-1.html, https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turactem-8x24.html and https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-turactem-8x24-1.html The last mentioned binocular is interesting due to the fact that it most likely belongs to the last batch (which included 400 pieces) of this model, produced in 1932.
The total number of binoculars on our site is 54.
May 17, 2020
6 more binoculars appeared in our museum:
- An interesting Silvarem 6x30 with an "erroneous" serial number: https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-silvarem-6x30.html;

- late Turact 8x24 version;
- a unique binocular Turactem 8x24 (with a unique story of its previous owner), which is not included to any of Carl Zeiss catalogs.

Three more Carl Zeiss Jenna binoculars appeared in the museum: the “civilian” Silvamar 6x30 with military attributes https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-silvamar-6x30-military.html, very early and rare Silvarem 6x https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-silvarem-6x.html and another Silvarem 6x https://binocollection.com/catalog/binoculars-carl-zeiss-jena-silvarem-6x-1.html
The total number of binoculars on the site is 42.
Added two interesting binoculars Carl Zeiss Jenna Silvamar 6x (30).
The total number of binoculars on the site is 39.

April 4, 2020
Four Carl Zeiss binocular catalogs added: catalog Carl Zeiss 1894, catalog Carl Zeiss 1897 3rd edition, catalog Carl Zeiss 1899 5th edition, catalog T84 1903-1910
Our museum has been opened! Today it contains 37 binoculars of famous Carl Zeiss brand: now you have possibility to get acquainted with them on our virtual museum pages. The exposition begins with the oldest exhibits, which are listed in the catalog in alphabetical order. At the time of their creation, those were the most advanced optical devices, but they also cost a lot...) For example, Carl Zeiss Jena Feldstecher 4 Fach binoculars cost 110 marks (the German worker average salary at that time):